This Is Why We Need More Women Working in Construction


The construction industry is no doubt the oldest and most lucrative industry in the world. Still, we have over 10 million construction workers in the United States and just over 1 million of them are female construction workers. This is a great gap and makes no-sense when we compare it with any other industry. Besides this, if you look at the tallest buildings of the world, you will understand how bigger the industry is and why we should have more women working in the construction industry. Yes, talking about the tallest buildings, we are just triggering your human to think about the richness of this industry. To back our words, we have an infographic to share with you.

This infographic will help you understand the exact figures and know where the women are in different industries and why women should be working in the construction industry to make a good impact.

Why We Need More Women Working in Construction?

This is why we need more women working in construction, just check the infographic below:

infographic by

Not just the numbers, even other industries are contributing to having more male-construction-workers by designing the construction machinery that is not suitable for women and is familiar to those of being used by male-workers. This is simply not a common thing, we have to change a lot of other industries to make the construction industry see growth in female workers.